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Inizio oggi sta discusion de monitoraggio de Trieste nelle notizie dal mondo :D

Dall'agenzia de stampa cinese Xinhua:

Romania, Croatia, Serbia sign agreement on Constanta-Trieste oil pipeline

In due parole: Romania, Croatia e Serbia ga firmado oggi l'accordo per la costituzion de una società per lo sviluppo dell'Oleodotto PanEuropeo (PEOP - Pan European Pipeline) che collegherà Costanza, sul Mar Nero Rumeno con Trieste.


Rilancio con un bel articolo del New York Times :D via bora.la


Trieste, Italy: Buffet da Pepi


Published: May 20, 2007

Among experienced travelers, Trieste is widely considered a town barely worth visiting. I don't get it. With the central square and a broad canal right on the Adriatic, the eclectic architecture, the converging cultures ... O.K., it's not Venice, but neither is it Bridgeport.

And when you find yourself visiting Trieste, almost all anyone will talk about is the coffee. Well, let me steer you otherwise, straight to Buffet da Pepi. Pepi is not unlike the now nearly extinct New York kosher deli, with one major exception: its featured meat is pork, not beef. But the meats are cured similarly, and they're served with sauerkraut and good, hot mustard. The crowning touch is the freshly grated horseradish, or kren, as it's called here, which is served all over town on many different dishes. Nowhere does it dominate or show its glory more than it does here.

Despite its name, Pepi is not an Italian restaurant, until you remember that the word “Italian” doesn't mean much here. Trieste's roots are far more entwined with those of Middle Europe than those of Rome, which is perfectly evident in the steaming plates of fresh and cured pork, the pretzel-like breads — some covered in caraway or poppy seeds — and the beer. You order at the counter, and the meats are lifted from their simmering broths one by one by a smiling gentleman, who carves them on a slab of marble. He will then present you with a sandwich (good) or a platter (better), which you can eat at one of the small but comfortable tables.

I visited Pepi with three friends, and we ordered the big mixed platter, which costs 10 euros, or about $14 at $1.39 to the euro, a person and comprises countless cuts (well, I lost count, anyway), from the local regions of Friuli and Alto Adige, from Slovenia, from Austria and from a variety of Italian traditions: ham, both fresh and cured; ribs; the magnificent sausage called cotechino; testina (head); zampone (from the foot); various frankfurter- and “Italian”-like sausages; and a couple of items lost to memory. When we ran out of kren, a server hurried over to grate some more over the top of everything. Never have I enjoyed meat more, and never will I listen to anyone badmouth Trieste again.



Dalla Nova Zelanda xe la notizia che un centro de aiuto alle famiglie e fioi xe sta intitolado a un reduce della seconda guerra. Se tratta dell'85enne Lachie Griffen che xe iera mitralier su un dei primi carri armati alleati entradi a Trieste

Services to youngsters recognised at ceremony

By GILES BROWN - The Press | Thursday, 24 April 2008



On Saturday the 85-year-old's services to youngsters at Cholmondeley Children's Home were recognised when a new family support centre was named after him.


Griffen said he was happy the home chose to recognise him while he could still witness it.

"I often thought it may be named after me but after I died.

"I thought that would be a pity because I wouldn't know about it," said Griffen.


Griffen's youth was interrupted when he went to serve in Italy, and later to Japan as part of the occupational force.

"The sad part of the Italian war was that, although at times we were face-to-face with the foe, more often than not we had to demolish people's homes.

"It's nothing to be proud of."

Griffen's tank was one of the first to enter Trieste in 1945 only to be thrown into a standoff with Yugoslav forces competing to occupy the Italian city. A situation which was eventually resolved by a deal between the allied leaders and emerging Yugoslav leader Marshal Tito.

"It's so very important for young people to understand the sacrifices made.



topic interessante :)

Quoto :)

Trieste xè ssai presente al'estero, sopratuto in tei album fotografici. Inoltre la nostra cusina tipica xè molto conossuda e rinomada (vedi l'articolo de Pepi sciavo sul NYT)



Oggi tocca al Washington Post nominar Trieste, in una recension del libro "The Mayor's Tongue" de Nathaniel Rich.

Riporto l'inizio della recension che podè legger per intero qua

"The Mayor's Tongue" is a goofy, playful, highly intellectual novel about serious subjects -- the failure of language, for one, and how we cope with that failure in order to keep ourselves sane. It's speculative fiction as well, and owes considerable literary debts to Luigi Pirandello's "Six Characters in Search of an Author," James Hilton's "Lost Horizon" and "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," in ways I can't mention without giving away the plot.

The novel consists of vaguely parallel narratives: Two men -- strangers to each other, one young, one old -- start out from New York on separate quests and end up in the Carso, a remote, mountainous region north of the city of Trieste (where, according to accompanying publicity copy, Rich once attended an international conference on Esperanto). Trieste, remember, is that seacoast city perched on the border between Italy and part of what used to be Yugoslavia, now Slovenia.

El mondo dell'economia inveze guarda all'assemblea dei soci delle Generali. Ad esempio Bloomberg.com scrivi:

April 26 (Bloomberg) -- Assicurazioni Generali SpA's first- quarter profit rose as Italy's biggest insurer expanded outside Italy, co-Chief Executive Officer Giovanni Perissinotto said.

First-quarter net income had ``double-digit growth,'' said Perissinotto, speaking today at the annual shareholders' meeting in Trieste, Italy, where the insurer is based. The company's first-quarter 2007 net was 715 million euros ($1.1 billion). Generali is scheduled to announce results on May 8.

The company is expanding in eastern Europe and considering acquisitions in countries including the U.S., Russia, and Romania to offset a slowdown in its home life-insurance market.

Generali's management, led by Chairman Antoine Bernheim, is under pressure to improve earnings and governance after investment funds Algebris Investments LLP and Franklin Mutual Advisers, a unit of Franklin Resources Inc., criticized its performance, saying growth lags behind bigger rivals Allianz SE and Axa SA.

Bernheim said at today's meeting that first-quarter life premiums were more than 12 billion euros. Casualty premiums totaled almost 7 billion euros, while overall insurance policy sales advanced five percent, he told shareholders.


Da Kansas City scoprimo che la Silversea, compagnia che gestisi crocere ultra lusso, ga acquistado una nave da 132 passeggeri e la ga mandada a Trieste per una risistemazion completa prima de metterla in esercizio.

You might not have to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to sail on any of Silversea Cruises’ uber-luxe vessels, but it sure helps, especially since the average passenger on Silversea earns well over $200,000 per year and has a household net worth of more than $2 million.


According to Silversea’s president and CEO Amerigo Perasso, “These will be the most comprehensive construction and refurbishment initiatives ever undertaken” for the vessels. An exciting new venture for Silversea fans will come in the form of an expedition vessel: The line will launch its first expedition ship later this summer, the small, ice-class rated 132-passenger Prince Albert II, named in honor of Monaco’s royal.

Acquired as the World Discover II last September, Prince Albert II required an extensive multimillion-dollar facelift in Trieste, Italy, to bring it up to snuff. Refurbishment will include exterior design modifications, state-of-the-art technological enhancements and a comprehensive upgrade of all passenger accommodations and public spaces. Why this burst of activity at a time when most cruise lines are tightening their belts? Business is booming, explains spokesman Brad Ball. Flush with money, the line saw both a market for expansion and the need to reshape its current fleet of four.

Dal QATAR giungi notizia della firma de un memorandum d'intesa tra l'Università del Qatar e el Centro de Biomedicina Molecorare dell'AREA Science Park. Oggetto del documento xe la ricerca biomedica e la formazione de studenti.

DOHA • Qatar University (QU) yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Italy-based CBM (Consorzio Per Il Centro di Biomedicina Molecolare SCRL) and the AREA Science Park (Consorzio Per l’AREA di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste) for collaboration in biomedical research and student training.


“Recruiting Qatari faculty and sending them abroad for further study; establishing a state-of-the-art Animal House facility for biomedical engineering research together with establishing research programmes with international research centres such as AREA Science Park and CBM will be the base for establishing strong research activity at QU,” he said.

Colpani said the agreement followed two years of collaboration, during which QU students and faculty participated in training workshops and summer schools in Trieste. "Underlining our collaboration activities of research, development and innovation is the focus on people, who are the centre of our work", he stressed.



Se icenews.is se occupa delle Generali che guarda alla penisola scandinava per conquistar nuove posizioni...

Chairman Antoine Bernheim may not be convinced, but rumour is that Assicurazioni Generali, the biggest and one of the most important insurance firms in Italy, is considering expanding its operations into Norway or Sweden, according to Reuters.

Bernheim is reportedly reluctant to enter into any large acquisitions at present. “We’re looking at the possibility of having a small position in the northern countries, in Sweden and Norway,” he was quoted by La Tribune as saying.

“I’m not convinced that a very big acquisition is opportune at the moment,” he said.

... The-Triton.com decisamente invoia i turisti, in particolare i possessori de yatch, a visitar la nostra magnifica città. Significativa la frase de apertura dell'articolo che termina con un "non me sembrava de esser in Italia." :D

When I first came to Trieste 17 years ago, the first thing that struck me was that it didn’t seem like I was in Italy.

A two-hour train ride from Venice, yet it was a completely different atmosphere. Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia, one of the largest piazzas to open onto the sea in Europe, is made up of majestic Viennese palazzi which make it seem as though Austria has been transported to the Adriatic.

[cut] They are cevapicici, spicy little sausages that are thrown on the grill and are impossible to stop eating.

The food is eclectic here, a result of the location of Trieste combined with invasions of so many different types of ethnicities. No worries though about finding a great dish of pasta. After all, we’re still in Italy.


A typical Triestino could be described as a bit reserved initially, but after a bit they are great party people.



Che figo! :D El legger dei civa però me ga fatto venir fame :(:lol:

Ah... those little spicy sausages... :D

Oggi xe una la pagina web che parla de Trieste... a torto.

Se da infatti una dimostrazione de ignoranza geografica degna del più classico popolume italian.

El "road riding and racing online magazine" roadcyclinguk.com nella recension de un model de bici (la Wilier Izoard da 2000 sterline) afferma:

Wilier is an Italian brand that has been growing in prominence over the past couple of years. The company started out life way back in 1906, in a small workshop along the banks of the river Brenta near Trieste. From such humble beginnings the company has grown to become one of the most and a string of big race wins with the Lampre team.

Ottimo... adesso anche i sudditi de Sua Maestà Elisabetta II penserà che Trento e Trieste xe unide dal famoso Ponte de Bassano... :noghesemo:


Riconoscimento postumo a Ernesto Illy da parte della Specialty Coffee Association of America , la più grande associazione de commercio del cafè al mondo.

Special Recognition Award: Dr. Ernesto Illy, Illycaffè S.p.A (posthumous award)

Born in Trieste, Italy in 1925, Ernesto Illy educated himself in hopes of educating the world. He obtained a degree in chemistry from the University of Bologna in 1947. In 1956, control of Illycaffè S.p.A passed from the company’s founder Francesco Illy to his son Ernesto Illy, who started a research laboratory that soon became the source of numerous new inventions and patents, allowing the younger Illy to become a leader in innovation and technology. It was Illy, a scientist and researcher, who established cooperative agreements with universities and research centers promoting premium-quality coffee around the globe while bringing Italian-style espresso to the rest of the world. From 1963 to 2005, he was chairman of Illycaffè S.p.A. in Trieste, and last held the title of honorary chairman. Ernesto Illy’s passion and life’s work made him coffee’s most respected ambassador. He single-handedly introduced some of the most important quality-control innovations in coffee brewing in the last 30 years.


Dal quotidiano online australian The Age xe una notizia interessante:

State takes new approach on mental health care

Nick Miller

May 9, 2008


THE State Government has taken the first step in what it promises will be sweeping reform of mental health care in Victoria, with a plan to detect and treat the first signs of problems in young people, and get more mentally ill back into the workforce.

Mental Health Minister Lisa Neville yesterday released a consultation paper that will be the basis for the changes.

She also announced a review of the Mental Health Act, which she said should be focused on the rights of individuals and families rather than the powers of institutions.

The Government has taken ideas from London, New York and Trieste, Italy, in a bid to change mental health care, which Ms Neville said was failing some people and could not be fixed by "doing more of the same".

She said the $128 million boost to the sector in this week's state budget was a down payment on more investment to come.

"I am announcing a new direction for mental health in Victoria," she told community mental health workers in Caulfield. "Sweeping reforms … over the next decade will reshape the way we care for the hundreds of thousands of Victorians living with a mental illness. Despite the increase in investment … there are still people missing out."

The system was too narrowly focused on the most severely mentally ill, she said. It did not catch early warning signs and missed those who suffered anxiety or depression.

Proposed initiatives include:

?Building mental health promotion into school curriculums.

?A separate service for adolescents and young adults.

?An "emergency response" psychiatric team to work with police and ambulance services.

?A push for the mentally ill to return to work earlier.

?New forms of long-term accommodation for homeless people with mental illness.

?More alternatives to hospitalisation of the severely ill.

Ms Neville said she had been amazed by Trieste in Italy, a town the size of Geelong with only six mental health beds. It favours community care for even the most severely ill.

She had also been impressed by the UK's short-stay model for hospital treatment of children with eating disorders. And from New York she took the idea of long-term community "clustered" housing for homeless people, including mental health care resources.

The reform blueprint is available for community comment.

The reform push was welcomed by Elizabeth Crowther, president of psychiatric support services group VICSERV.

"At the moment people have to be very, very unwell before they can get treated," she said. "People are asking for help and being turned down. If we can get them earlier, instead of waiting for the ambulance to arrive, there's a capacity to change the course of their experience with mental illness."

Opposition mental health spokeswoman Mary Wooldridge has called for the Government to fund redevelopment of the Austin Hospital's adolescent mental health ward.

Insomma... Trieste fa da model per la cura e el trattamento dei maladi mentali.


PragueMonitor riporta che la Repubblica Ceca xe in trattativa per l'acquisto de una quota de proprietà dell'oleodotto transalpino che porta el petrolio da Trieste a Ingolstadt per meio assicurarse i rifornimenti de oro nero.

E15: ?R seeks stake in TAL oil line

By ?TK / Published 9 May 2008

Prague, May 7 (CTK) - The Czech Republic is in talks on the purchase of a stake in the Transalpine Pipeline (TAL) in an effort to improve the safety of oil supplies to the country, daily E15 reported Wednesday.

The information was confirmed to the daily by Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Tomáš Hüner.

The TAL pipeline transports oil from Trieste, Italy, to Germany's Ingolstadt from where it is supplied to the Czech Republic.

"We are holding talks to buy about 2 percent of TAL so as to increase the safety of oil supplies to the Czech Republic," Hüner said. "The talks are very sensitive and are in the initial stage," he said.

Oil transportat from Trieste via Ingolstadt is an alternative to oil supplies to the Czech Republic from Russia through the Druzhba pipeline.

Jaroslav Pantu?ek, CEO of the state-run company Mero which represents the Czech Republic in the talks, said Mero "would welcome any stake it could get".

He refused to disclose the name of the company with which the talks are being held.

Any change in the ownership rights in the oil pipeline has to be approved by all shareholders, that is, 8 oil companies led by Shell and OMV of Austria that both own 50 percent of the shares, according to the agreed rules.

The Czech attempt to get a stake in the TAL pipeline is the second one. The first attempt in 1995 during the construction of the IKL oil pipeline was not successful. The IKL pipeline transports oil flowing to Germany from the Caspian area, Middle East and North Africa that is processed in the Czech refinery in Kralupy.

  • 2 weeks later...

Forbes parla oggi della nostra città a proposito del terminal gas su costa, che ricevi el supporto del Governo per bocca del sottosegretario all'ambiente Roberto Menia:

MILAN (Thomson Financial) - Italy's undersecretary at the environment ministry, Roberto Menia has expressed support for an onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Trieste, a spokesman at the ministry confirmed Menia as saying.


Gas Natural is planning to build an onshore terminal at Trieste with a capacity of 8 billion cubic meters.


Snam Rete Gas SpA, the company that runs Italy's gas transmission network, recently said it will request permission to build the connection from the national grid to the onshore terminal at Trieste.



topic interessante :)

Quoto :)

Trieste xè ssai presente al'estero, sopratuto in tei album fotografici. Inoltre la nostra cusina tipica xè molto conossuda e rinomada (vedi l'articolo de Pepi sciavo sul NYT)


Oddio, molto conosciuta, cerchiamo di restare coi piedi per terra perchè aprendo un qualsiasi giornale si trovano notizie isolate su migliaia di località ( devono pur riempire decine di pagine ogni giorno ) e non per questo si può dire che un posto nominato una volta dal quotidiano di New York sia molto conosciuto negli States nè che uno nominato una volta dal Pais sia per questo conosciuto in Spagna..... a meno non mi diciate che esce un articolo regolarmente su Trieste ogni domenica....

Lo stesso vale per la cucina triestina che sinceramente non credo più conosciuta di quella di Niederdorf, Tampere, Caceres o Guipolcuizcoa.

Comunque il thread è interessante e piacevole , e grazie a chi posta gli articoli !! :ave:


Ma Menia xe vignudo a dirlo anche a Trieste?

Temo che ci troveremo il terminal costruito senza che se ne parli troppo, e sarà pure l'unica opera che rispetterà i tempi o anche in anticipo. So di essere pessimista ma la realtà di Trieste insegna molto.

Posted (edited)

Beppe Severgnini, oggi sul Corriere:

"L'Italia - l'ho già scritto - è un posto che ti manda in bestia e in estasi nel giro di venti minuti e nel raggio di duecento metri. L'Italia è il buco nero di Napoli ed è Trieste in una sera di maggio."



Seguendo il tuo link, l'autore in realtà nel suo blog inizialmente aveva scritto:

L'Italia è un posto che ti manda in bestia e in estasi nel giro di venti minuti e nel raggio di pochi chilometri - lo so, anche questa è una cosa che ripeto spesso. L'Italia è il buco nero di Gomorra, ma è anche una città di provincia in una sera di maggio.

Forse come dire che Napoli sta per Gomorra e Trieste per una città di provincia...

Edited by Zithara
Posted (edited)

Il link si riferisce all'articolo di ieri (che è quello stampato anche sul giornale).

oggi ha ripetuto il concetto con una leggera variante...

Ma non è la prima volta che parla bene di Trieste. E' insieme a Cagliari la città in cui andrebbe ad abitare. provincia o no, chissenefrega

Edited by stephanos

cità de provincia, risultati: provincia no ciapa soldi, no atrai investimenti, no xe el riferimento per un bel niente :(


cità de provincia, risultati: provincia no ciapa soldi, no atrai investimenti, no xe el riferimento per un bel niente :(

esser città di provincia di per sè non è un male assoluto, ma bisogna rendersene conto e non pensare a cose esaltanti per poi non fare nemmeno l'ordinaria amministrazione.


In Italia ci sono troppe città con troppi interessi particolari, e Ts non è tra le più grandi. La sua ricchezza è nel fatto di essere internazionale per storia e per aspirazione, con minoranze culturali e linguistiche... questo ha fatto in modo che abbia molti scrittori, gente in gamba, e mentalità più europea, quindi meno provinciale. da qs punto di vista conosco molta più gente provinciale a Roma che a Ts...

In quanto ai fondi che nn arriva... beh, sai che novità!

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