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se pol ativarlo su ogni sezion singolarmente o unicamente per tuto el sito ? saria figon anche x mi ... :D

Penso se possi sceglier cossa metter nell'RSS. Se go freschezza, vardo za sto w.e.

Se qualchedun guardasi i link che metto... uffa!

Can I personalise the output.

Yep you can. An example:

The output from the Forum Page contains all the latest posts in from most of the different Forums. If you look at the properties (web address) of the feed in your reader it will look like this,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,48,49,50&show=14&type=rss

The numbers 1,2,3 ect are the forum numbers. For example if you open the General Chat Forum the web address in your browser will be The 1 is the unique number.

An example, if you only want to check the Terracan Forums, you would use this feed.,49,50&show=14&type=rss]

You will notice the line &show=14. That is you get the latest 14 posts.

Modificato da orannez
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